The mechanism of action of silver on a large number of health problems is the inhibition of the respiratory enzyme of the cell of the pathogenic microorganism. Silver acts as a catalyst, blocking certain enzymes that bacteria, viruses, and fungi use in their metabolism, which causes these disease-causing agents to run out of oxygen and food and decompose. After that, the body expels them using the excretory organ system. This process occurs so quickly and efficiently that the microorganism does not have time to mutate, that is, to acquire resistance. At the same time, the cells of our tissue remain untouched because the process and mechanism by which they provide themselves with oxygen are different from those used by bacteria for the same process.
On fungi that are connected in colonies, silver acts in a similar way. Their metabolism is the same as that of unicellular organisms, such as bacteria. In the case of viruses, also unicellular organisms, the situation is similar. The virus attacks the cell, taking control of its nucleus, reproductive, and productive potentials.
Thus, instead of enzymes and hormones – a virus is produced. New copies of the virus are then released into the bloodstream and surrounding tissue, spreading the infection. However, during the takeover of the cell by the virus, another thing happens. The cell “reverts” to more primitive forms of functioning. This process is especially important for the respiratory part, which will revert in such a cell to the same mechanisms for providing oxygen to the cell as the bacterium uses. In this part, the reproduction of the virus in the body becomes vulnerable to the effect of silver, which is why the cell in the presence of silver “suffocates”. This is the mechanism through which many researchers lately prove the phenomenal benefit of silver, for example, in the case of the HIV virus. Silver ions don’t care whether it’s this disease or the bird, swine, or regular flu virus. Silver permanently blocks the enzymatic mechanism at the level of the cell responsible for breathing. In this process, colloidal silver is just a catalyst and, after disabling the infected cell, it continues with its activities on other cells.
About all this, Dr. Harry Margraf, chief biochemist of the Surgery Department at the University of Washington, wrote in the seventies of the last century. Dr. Hilda Clark, a Canadian researcher and author of the books “The Cure for All Cancers” or “The Cure for HIV and AIDS,” posits the theory that most diseases could not exist in the body without the prior presence of parasites. Therefore, by eliminating parasites in the body, the development of diseases that we know today would be automatically prevented. In the mid-nineties, a series of experiments with colloidal silver was conducted, where it was discovered that it does not affect acidophilus, the so-called “good bacteria” found in the stomach, which is necessary for the body to function healthily. It has been proven that even a 40 times larger dose of silver than normal does not change the composition of the intestinal flora, which is not the case when using antibiotics. There are also indications that silver ions stimulate the faster growth of benign bacteria, thereby helping to strengthen the immune system. This claim is explained by the fact that friendly bacteria are aerobic, while unfriendly bacteria are anaerobic.
Silver behaves as a catalyst, and as such, it does not attack pathogenic microorganisms directly, but destroys the enzymes they depend on. This is probably why these disease-causing agents cannot become resistant to silver as they can to antibiotics. Colloidal silver is most effective when used as a preventive measure. In the body, it forms a backup immune system, protecting T lymphocytes by doing part of the work for them. Many diseases occur exclusively because of a drop in immunity (a deficit of T lymphocytes). Only a strong immune system is capable of resolving most infections and infections, without any help “from the outside.”
Taking silver also helps in specific situations, such as burns. The influence of silver on wound healing and its antiseptic action has been confirmed by numerous examples. Classic antiseptics generally destroy surrounding tissue in an attempt to kill bacteria, which makes them to some extent toxic. Antibiotics spoil the balance of “friendly” bacteria that live in symbiosis with our organism, disrupting the natural balance and causing damage to our organism, primarily by reducing natural defense mechanisms.