
Silver Water Family Pack

Silver Water Family Pack

15 ppm Silver Water is a colloidal silver solution with a potent antimicrobial effect. It boosts the immune system and promotes overall wellness. Eliminates a large number of pathogens, including persistent bacteria that cannot be easily eliminated with antibiotics (Candida, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella), etc. Regenerates the whole body and is a potent immunostimulant. The packaging contains two 500 ml bottles of Silver Water.

810,00 RSD


15 ppm colloidal silver

All ages

Boosting the immune system and overall wellness.

Colloidal silver is active against pathogenic microorganisms in three ways: silver ions react by binding to the lipoprotein layer of the pathogen’s cell wall. They can also react with enzymes, blocking their function and disabling the pathogen’s functioning. Silver nanoparticles penetrate the pathogen’s cell membrane, and the cell, recognizing them as food, lets them inside. Acting like the “Trojan horse”, once inside the cell, they bind to metabolic enzymes or the DNA and completely destroy the pathogen’s cell from within. Through oxidative processes, silver in contact with oxygen and water produces the so-called reactive oxygen species (ROS). They are highly reactive radicals reacting with the pathogenic cell wall, instantly destroying it, simultaneously killing the microorganism.

Silver Water is taken 4-6 times a day, using only the plastic teaspoon included in the packaging. Adults take 10 ml, and children 5 ml of water before a meal.

The term ‘colloid’ was mentioned for the first time in the 19th century when a Scottish chemist, Thomas Graham, used it to mark a solution containing extremely small particles. These are the tiniest particles 0.001 microns in size floating in water of 10 ppm concentration (10 silver particles per one million water particles, or 10 mg/L). Colloid is found in all states of matter, which is interesting because many medicines today come in crystalline form. When such a medicine is administered, the body uses a lot of energy to transform it into colloidal form. That is why hospitals normally administer IV medicines to allow them to take quick effect. Also, medicines in crystalline form cause the body to retain waste products, placing a burden on the excretory system. Given that the body needs silver to facilitate a stable immune system and creating new healthy cells, as well as the fact that our blood is also colloidal, the simplest and most effective way to ingest silver is in the form of colloid. Due to state-of-the-art technology, silver is completely safe for the human body in that form as it is easily flushed out within 24 hours. It makes colloidal silver the simplest and at the same time the most effective ‘natural remedy’ known to man today.

Health is important to everyone, but how much do we take care of it or invest in it? Unfortunately, most start taking care of it once they experience ill health, which in turn reduces quality of life. A daily intake of Silver Water is much more effective than an irregular intake of higher amounts. Regular use of Silver Water helps the body eliminate the causes of health problems and remove pathogens we do not know that even exist. This is how hotbeds and inflammations are eliminated, restoring immune system stability.

Silver Water is most commonly taken for prevention and, as recommended, orally before bed and first thing in the morning. Hold the solution in your mouth for approx. 60 seconds and then swallow. It is particularly useful to hold Silver Water under your tongue as it will be absorbed from the mouth directly into the bloodstream. This is an easier way to maximize your body’s silver intake in the form of a colloidal solution.

The immune system is designed to self-heal. We should only lend it a helping hand. Silver is not a heavy metal. It is all-natural, safe, non-toxic and anti-allergic. Any ingestion of colloidal silver identified as surplus is flushed out so there is no accumulation in the tissues.

This excludes any possibility of overdose or interaction with other preparations. There is no record showing that any oral intake of colloidal silver with any other preparation would cause any adverse effects. Apart from that, there has been no recorded case of any allergic reaction to silver since it is mainly inactive inside the body.

The list of disorders, the treatment of which can be aided by colloidal silver, is actually non-exhaustive. It has the ability to aid the human body rid itself of a large number of infections, caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi or compounds inside or outside the body. Colloidal silver makes this possible quickly without causing harm or side effects, giving pathogens no chance to mutate. The body requires colloidal silver to fight off the causes of health conditions that have become resistant to other forms of treatment.
Colloidal silver helps with intestinal infections, Salmonella, hepatitis, condyloma, Staphylococcal and Streptococcal infections, fungal infections, kidney stones, etc.
In addition, it aids combatting Candida infections, healing burns, wounds, cuts, rashes, scars, dandruff, seborrhea, alopecia areata, skin allergies, dermatitis, eczema, all types of skin infections, acne, boils and warts.

Colloidal silver acts as a potent and active antioxidant. Silver ions and silver nanoparticles easily bind to free radical molecules in the blood, which are commonly charged negatively, and neutralize them, preventing their fatal harm to the cells. This is how they slow ageing (a result of the body’s inability to regrow cells as it has done before).


15 ppm colloidal silver

All ages

Boosting the immune system and overall wellness.

Colloidal silver is active against pathogenic microorganisms in three ways: silver ions react by binding to the lipoprotein layer of the pathogen’s cell wall. They can also react with enzymes, blocking their function and disabling the pathogen’s functioning. Silver nanoparticles penetrate the pathogen’s cell membrane, and the cell, recognizing them as food, lets them inside. Acting like the “Trojan horse”, once inside the cell, they bind to metabolic enzymes or the DNA and completely destroy the pathogen’s cell from within. Through oxidative processes, silver in contact with oxygen and water produces the so-called reactive oxygen species (ROS). They are highly reactive radicals reacting with the pathogenic cell wall, instantly destroying it, simultaneously killing the microorganism.

Silver Water is taken 4-6 times a day, using only the plastic teaspoon included in the packaging. Adults take 10 ml, and children 5 ml of water before a meal.

The term ‘colloid’ was mentioned for the first time in the 19th century when a Scottish chemist, Thomas Graham, used it to mark a solution containing extremely small particles. These are the tiniest particles 0.001 microns in size floating in water of 10 ppm concentration (10 silver particles per one million water particles, or 10 mg/L). Colloid is found in all states of matter, which is interesting because many medicines today come in crystalline form. When such a medicine is administered, the body uses a lot of energy to transform it into colloidal form. That is why hospitals normally administer IV medicines to allow them to take quick effect. Also, medicines in crystalline form cause the body to retain waste products, placing a burden on the excretory system. Given that the body needs silver to facilitate a stable immune system and creating new healthy cells, as well as the fact that our blood is also colloidal, the simplest and most effective way to ingest silver is in the form of colloid. Due to state-of-the-art technology, silver is completely safe for the human body in that form as it is easily flushed out within 24 hours. It makes colloidal silver the simplest and at the same time the most effective ‘natural remedy’ known to man today.

Health is important to everyone, but how much do we take care of it or invest in it? Unfortunately, most start taking care of it once they experience ill health, which in turn reduces quality of life. A daily intake of Silver Water is much more effective than an irregular intake of higher amounts. Regular use of Silver Water helps the body eliminate the causes of health problems and remove pathogens we do not know that even exist. This is how hotbeds and inflammations are eliminated, restoring immune system stability.

Silver Water is most commonly taken for prevention and, as recommended, orally before bed and first thing in the morning. Hold the solution in your mouth for approx. 60 seconds and then swallow. It is particularly useful to hold Silver Water under your tongue as it will be absorbed from the mouth directly into the bloodstream. This is an easier way to maximize your body’s silver intake in the form of a colloidal solution.

The immune system is designed to self-heal. We should only lend it a helping hand. Silver is not a heavy metal. It is all-natural, safe, non-toxic and anti-allergic. Any ingestion of colloidal silver identified as surplus is flushed out so there is no accumulation in the tissues.

This excludes any possibility of overdose or interaction with other preparations. There is no record showing that any oral intake of colloidal silver with any other preparation would cause any adverse effects. Apart from that, there has been no recorded case of any allergic reaction to silver since it is mainly inactive inside the body.

The list of disorders, the treatment of which can be aided by colloidal silver, is actually non-exhaustive. It has the ability to aid the human body rid itself of a large number of infections, caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi or compounds inside or outside the body. Colloidal silver makes this possible quickly without causing harm or side effects, giving pathogens no chance to mutate. The body requires colloidal silver to fight off the causes of health conditions that have become resistant to other forms of treatment.
Colloidal silver helps with intestinal infections, Salmonella, hepatitis, condyloma, Staphylococcal and Streptococcal infections, fungal infections, kidney stones, etc.
In addition, it aids combatting Candida infections, healing burns, wounds, cuts, rashes, scars, dandruff, seborrhea, alopecia areata, skin allergies, dermatitis, eczema, all types of skin infections, acne, boils and warts.

Colloidal silver acts as a potent and active antioxidant. Silver ions and silver nanoparticles easily bind to free radical molecules in the blood, which are commonly charged negatively, and neutralize them, preventing their fatal harm to the cells. This is how they slow ageing (a result of the body’s inability to regrow cells as it has done before).

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